Forestry Intramural Teams
The Faculty of Forestry intramural teams are set up every term in September and January. All forestry teams are co-ed (all-genders), they are intended to have a fun level of competitiveness, and all levels of experience are welcomed. We usually set up Forestry teams for Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Ultimate, Futsal, Dodgeball and Hockey.
If you are interested in joining a Forestry team, stay tuned in our Facebook Group, sign-up sheets will be posted outside the FUS lounge (FSC 1618) at the beginning of each term. Visit UBC REC for more information about available sport leagues or contact for any questions about registration.
forestry at UBC Rec Events
Forestry teams to participate in annual UBC wide REC events.
If you are interested in participating, stay tuned in our Facebook Group, sign-up sheets will be posted outside the FUS lounge (FSC 1618) in advance of every event. Visit UBC REC for more information about upcoming events or contact for any questions about registration.