The FUS has extensive network and associations with various organizations in the forest industry.
Canadian Institute of Forestry (CIF)
The CIF and UBC Forestry are highly integrated, The CIF is national organization that connects forest related individuals with each other. One of the oldest associations in Canada, the CIF is held strong by a great group of forestry people. Becoming a member of the CIF will give you the opportunity to attend dinner meetings with the Vancouver Section. These dinners have incredible presentations from individuals working in forestry and people you would not hear from in a lecture. The presentations are current and thought provoking which will give you a better knowledge of forestry. There are also electronic lectures, publications, conferences and much more. This is a great way to network with potential employers and mentors. Join today, you will not be disappointed.
Association of bc forest professionals (ABFP)
Many students in the Faculty of Forestry aspire to be a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) someday. Becoming a member of the ABCFP’s START program is the best way to bridge the gap between being a student and becoming an RPF. Joining the START program you will receive the ABCFP magazine (the BC Forest Professional) and the Increment which is a email newsletter s to the members of the association. These two publications will keep you up to date on the hot topics in the world of forestry. The START program allows students to attend workshops, conferences, and other meetings which is a great opportunity to network and find career advice. The small price to join the START program will be some of the best money invested in your future.
association of professional biology
Ever thought of becoming a professional biologist? Attaining the Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio) designation through the APB, is a great way to further a biology career in British Columbia. The association ensures that applied biologist make ethical decisions by holding them accountable and verifying their competence. APB also educates others about the science and management of the province’s resources. The website provides plenty of publications, news articles, job postings, and upcoming events. Becoming a student member is only $25 a year. This is a great way to network with professional biologists and determine if this is the right path for you.
IFSA is a organization that connects forestry students internationally and encourages them to widen their learning experience beyond formal education. UBC Forestry graduate and undergraduate students have represented the IFSA and have strongly encouraged participation over the years. It is a great place for anyone who is interested in working overseas, wanting to understand different forest practices, or having a general interest in forestry students and their culture around the world. It is a place to make your voice heard and make an impact on sustainability.
Supporting information exchange on the use of wood and wood-fiber resources, the FPS provides its members and others in the forest industry with a variety of publications and conference opportunities for furthering member research and goals. As a student pursuing a career in the forest products industry, it is extremely important for you to develop and maintain as many contacts as possible in the world of industry, teaching, and research. The more you know about the forest products “community,” the better prepared you will be to make a sound career decision. The Forest Products Society offers you a unique opportunity to develop these important contacts. A student membership fee is available.
An internationally-recognized professional organization of wood scientists, engineers, marketing specialists and other professionals concerned with wood. Members are dedicated to the wise use of one of our most environmentally sound resources. Committed to protecting our forests through the development of new ideas and procedures, policies and products for the wood industry, SWST serves as a bridge linking academia, community, industry, and government. Through publication of papers in their journal, Wood and Fiber Science, participation in their annual meeting and symposia and available career information, you can plant the seeds of your future in this dynamic field even as you complete your studies.