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General Council Elections

  • Treehouse at Forest Science Center 2424 Main Mall Vancouver Canada (map)

All students are welcome to run as General Council Representatives! Being a part of the FUS is a lot of fun. You will have opportunities to build connections with students, staff, and Faculty, make a difference in the UBC community, and build valuable skills.


Check out the position descriptions. If you are interested in a position, please write your name and contact information in the nomination form referent to the position you would like to run. You must be attending school for the full school year (Term 1 + Term 2). Please send a blurb/speech about yourself and why you want to run for this position to by September 14 at 10am. This will be displayed in the AMS online voting system.

Nomination forms will be posted until TBD. Elections will be held online TBD – TBD.

Your beloved FUS will hold a voting party with FREE PIZZA for voters and candidates.·    

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us at our Facebook page or at We look forward to having you join the team!

Earlier Event: September 20
Pancake Breakfast and Loggersports Demo
Later Event: September 21